Phloxin is a chemical compound, a synthetic dye also known as Acid Red 98, CI 45405.
It contains a xanthene core that makes the colour fluorescent.
Chemical Name:
What it is used for and where
Restricted cosmetic ingredient as IV/78 come Voce pertinente negli allegati del regolamento europeo sui cosmetici n. 1223/2009. a Relevant Item in the Annexes of the European Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009. Substance or ingredient reported: Dipotassium 3,6-dichloro-2-(2,4,5,7-tetrabromo-6-oxido-3-oxoxanthen-9-yl)benzoate
Cosmetics - INCI Functions
Colorant. This ingredient has the function of colouring the solution in which it is inserted in a temporary, semi-permanent or permanent manner, either alone or in the presence of the complementary components added for colouring.
It is an ingredient that has some important contraindications regarding the health profile: it should not enter areas close to the eyes.
Molecular Formula C20H4Br4Cl2K2O5
Molecular Weight 793.0 g/mol
CAS 6441-77-6
EC number 229-225-4
Acid Red 98
CI 45405