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Malahit DSP2

Rating : 9

<1 / 1>from Al222

...work in progress...Malahit DSP2 version 2.40Malahit DSP2 is a portable SDR (Software-Defined Radio) receiver, originally developed in Russia, known for its versatility and high performance compared to other portable radios. It is designed to receive signals over a wide range of frequencies with advanced demodulation capabilities, thanks to its b... (Read the full Tiiip)

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"Descrizione" about Malahit DSP2  
by admin (19211 pt)
2024-Oct-13 12:52
...work in progress...Malahit DSP2 version 2.40Malahit DSP2 is a portable SDR (Software-Defined Radio) receiver, originally developed in Russia, known for its versatility and high performance compared ...
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"Malahit DSP2 hums and freezes every" about Malahit DSP2  
by admin (19211 pt)
2024-Oct-10 19:07
Malahit DSP2 hums and freezes every 20 secondsOnly in FT8 mode and about every 20 seconds Malahit DSP2 stops for a second or so and emits a loud buzzing sound. And there is a reason for that.It is not ...
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Brand:   Malahit Team

Price 2020:   460

Last update:   2024-06-15 19:13:54

Price 2019: