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Sugar Cane

Rating : 7

Saccharum officinarum, commonly known as sugarcane, is a tall, tropical grass cultivated primarily for its juice, which is processed to produce sugar. Native to Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent, sugarcane plays a crucial role in the global sugar industry and is also used in various other applications, including biofuel production.Botanica... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from Al222

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"Descrizione" about Sugar Cane  
by Al222 (19288 pt)
2024-Aug-31 07:51
Saccharum officinarum, commonly known as sugarcane, is a tall, tropical grass cultivated primarily for its juice, which is processed to produce sugar. Native to Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontin ...
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Hardiness:   Hardy

Hardiness:   Medium experience to cultivate

Natural fertilizer:  


Last update:   2024-08-31 11:09:17

Sun exposure:   Full sun

Family:   Poaceae

Commercial fertilizer:  

Main substances contained: