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<1 / 1>from Flight444

D-tetramethrin is a fast-acting pesticide against mosquitoes and other flying insects. It rapidly degrades photochemically and is a (relatively) low toxicity for mammals. It is one of the domestic insecticides recommended by the WHO. D-tetramethrin studies Molecular Formula:  C19H25NO4 Molecular Weight: 331.412 g/mol UNII: 99PWN9P00O ... (Read the full Tiiip)

8 pts from Flight444

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"D-tetramethrin studies" about D-tetramethrin   Review Consensus 8
by Flight444 (3413 pt)
2019-May-25 17:29
Zebrafish Embryo Toxicity of a Binary Mixture of Pyrethroid Insecticides: d-Tetramethrin and Cyphenothrin.Mendis JC, Tennakoon TK, Jayasinghe CD.J Toxicol. 2018 Dec 26;2018:4182694. doi: 10.1155/2018/ ...
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"Description" about D-tetramethrin   Review Consensus 8
by Flight444 (3413 pt)
2019-May-25 17:31
D-tetramethrin is a fast-acting pesticide against mosquitoes and other flying insects. It rapidly degrades photochemically and is a (relatively) low toxicity for mammals. It is one of the domestic in ...
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Component type:   Chemical

Main substances:   Cyclopropanecarboxylic acid

Last update:   2019-05-25 17:24:02

Chemical Risk: