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HP 5384A Frequency counter

Rating : 9

<1 / 1>from CPU1

HP 5384A Frequency counterThe Keysight 5384A Frequency Counter utilizes interpolar-enhanced reciprocal counting to provide outstanding performance at a low cost. Frequency coverage allows measurements from 10 Hz to 225 MHz, with resolution of 9 digits per second. The 5384A incorporates a programmable alphanumeric display, accessible remotely via ei... (Read the full Tiiip)

10 pts from CPU1

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"Descrizione" about HP 5384A Frequency counter   Review Consensus 10
by CPU1 (1962 pt)
2021-Nov-14 16:34
HP 5384A Frequency counterThe Keysight 5384A Frequency Counter utilizes interpolar-enhanced reciprocal counting to provide outstanding performance at a low cost. Frequency coverage allows measurements ...
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Brand:   HP


Last update:   2021-11-14 16:05:55

Function:   Frequency Counter

Indicative price:   349€ ebay