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Rating : 4


Specific allergy (1)

<1 / 1>from Whiz35

Chloroatranol is a natural product that develops in the degradation of another natural component, atranorine, in certain species of fungi (Lethariella cladonioides), mosses (Evernia furfuracea, Evernia prunastri) and lichens ( Platismatia glauca, Cladonia rangiferina).What it is used for and whereCosmeticsIt is a fragrance with a musky sc... (Read the full Tiiip)

10 pts from Whiz35

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Chloroatranol studies" about Chloroatranol   Review Consensus 10
by Whiz35 (11826 pt)
2022-Nov-24 10:18
Compendium of the most significant studies with reference to properties, intake, effects.Mowitz M, Svedman C, Zimerson E, Bruze M. Usage tests of oak moss absolutes containing high and low levels of a ...
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"Descrizione" about Chloroatranol   Review Consensus 10
by Whiz35 (11826 pt)
2022-Nov-24 10:18
Chloroatranol is a natural product that develops in the degradation of another natural component, atranorine, in certain species of fungi (Lethariella cladonioides), mosses (Evernia furfurac ...
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Component type:   Natural

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Last update:   2022-11-24 09:31:33

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