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Tridecyl Trimellitate

Rating : 7

<1 / 1>from Frank123

Tridecyl Trimellitate è un composto chiIs a chemical compound, tritridecyl ester of trimellitic acid.The name describes the structure of the molecule"Tridecyl" si riferisce a un gruppo alchilico con 13 atomi di carbonio."Trimellitate" è un estere derivato dall'acido trimellitico. "Tri" indica che ci s... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from Frank123

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"Descrizione" about Tridecyl Trimellitate  
by Frank123 (12004 pt)
2023-Aug-27 16:39
Tridecyl Trimellitate è un composto chiIs a chemical compound, tritridecyl ester of trimellitic acid.The name describes the structure of the molecule"Tridecyl" si riferisce a un grupp ...
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Component type:   Chemical

Main substances:  

  • Tridecyl alcohol
  • Trimellitic acid

Last update:   2023-08-27 15:55:08

Chemical Risk:   Environmental Hazard